E. Lisa Price, Professor
Email address: lisa.price@acadiau.ca
Telephone: (902) 585-1196
Office location: Horton Hall 417
Classes recently taught: Honours Seminar (co-taught with Dr. Diane Holmberg), The Science of Relationships (co-taught with Dr. Diane Holmberg), Psychotherapy I (graduate course), Practicum in Clinical Assessment and Psychological Interventions (graduate course), Human Sexuality, Practicum in Clinical Assessment and Psychological Interventions (graduate course)
B.Sc. (Honours), Acadia University
M.A., University of New Brunswick
Ph.D.,University of New Brunswick
I am a registered psychologist whose primary research interests lie mainly in the areas of sexual health, violence in relationships, and attachment, intimate relationships and mental and relational well-being. Recently, I have become interested in the development of internal working models and psychophysiology. I work with adolescents, adults and couples in private practice. My clinical work informs my research and vice versa. I love collaborating and have conducted research with others at Acadia University (i.e., Drs. Diane Holmberg, Zelda Abramson, Michael Leiter, Peter McLeod, Doug Symons), at other universities (i.e., Drs. Natalie Rosen (Dal), Arla Day (SMU) and Enrico DiTommaso (UNB)) and psychologists in the community (i.e., Drs. Angela Connors and Eileen Donahoe, and Steve Gleich).
Anderson, A., Rosen, N., Price, E.L., Bergeron, S. (2016). Associations between penetration cognitions and the experience of genital pain and sexual well-being in women with Provoked Vestibulodynia. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 13, 3, pp. 444-452.
Abramson, Z., Rippeyoung, L.F., Price, E.L. (2015). Collective Insecurity: A Case Study on a (Not-so) Ideal Case of Women Faculty. In E. Whittaker (Ed.), Solitudes of the Workplace. Kingston, ON:McGill-Queen's University Press.
Leiter, M. P., Day, A., & Price, L. (2015). Attachment styles at work: Measurement, collegial relationships, and burnout. Burnout Research, 2, 25-35. doi 10.1016/j.burn.2015.02.003. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2213058614200052
Szielasko, A.L., Symons, D.K., & Price, E. L. (2013). Development of an attachment-informed measure of sexual behavior in late adolescence. Journal of Adolescence, 36, 361-370.
Holmberg, D., Lomore, C., Takacs, T., & E. L. Price (2010). Adult attachment styles and stressor severity as moderators of the coping sequence. Personal Relationships no. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6811.2010.01318.x.
Sears, H.A., Byers, E.S., & Price, E.L. (2007). The co-occurrence of adolescent boys' and girls' use of psychologically, physically, and sexually abusive behaviours in their dating relationships. Journal of Adolescence, 30, 487-504. DOI: 10.1016/j.adolescence.2006.05.002
Price, E. L., McLeod, P. J., & Gleich, S. S. (2006). One-year prevalence rates of major depressive disorder in first-year university students. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 40(2), 68-82.
Sears, H.A., Byers, E.S., Whelan, J.J., Saint-Pierre, M. & the Dating Violence Research Team (2006). "If it hurts you, then it is not a joke:" Adolescents' ideas about girls'™ and boys' use and experience of abusive behaviour in dating relationships. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 21(9), 1191-1207.
Honours Students
Gouthro, A. (2016). Association between sexual coercion, attachment style, hostility towards women and the moderating role of childhood maltreatment.
Stitger, A. (2106). Comparison of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing in the treatment of trauma as perceived by therapists.
Gaunce, E. (2015). Caregiving, reflective function, and attachment as predictors of psychological well-being in romantic relationships.
Slater, D. (2015). Adult attachment styles in the workplace: A study exploring attachment, burnout, incivility, and psychological safety.
Graduate Students
Anderson, A. (2015). Associations between penetration cognitions and the experience of genital pain and sexual well-being in women with Provoked Vestibulodynia. Co-supervised with Dr. Natalie Rosen, Dalhousie University
Registered Clinical Psychologist, Nova Scotia Board of Examiners in Psychology